Sunday, May 30, 2010

Make Orange Juice Blender

in Nice 1984 (photos)

Personal photos showing group Miles, with Bob Berg, John Scofield and Darryl Jones , pictures taken during the "parade of jazz, finally, was his old name ... click image to enlarge (scanned photos Taking photos).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sausage Draught Excluders Doors

I'm still there!

No no I can not stop my blog! Not very nice to have you left like that, without even disclosing my shopping madness! The reason is simple and multiple at the time: a lot, but then a lot of work, some inspiration, other desires and even those pesky jobs ... But hey, it's like to feel better, within 3 weeks in the worst case I'm back !

Sorry about my long absence! I'm still alive, it's Just That I've been really busy at work and I Did not Have a Lot to say, the more I'm still buried in redecorating Those stuff! But It's getting better and in a maximum of 3 weeks I'll be back!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When When Was Target Brand Towel Made Made

. Dialog gray-green

. , originally uploaded by dielucy .
dialogues surfaces such as glades, with this beautiful series of black and white photos of DiLucy, see also those born & bl Sabinelove flickr