Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where Do Pigens Sleep

Voila voila, I have exactly one month in 30 years!

And here is my last gift of non-birthday :-)

It's true I do not have you all been ... As worse! But I assure you, they were not all as nice as this one!

I have lots and lots of things to show you, and say that I thought was reasonable for the sales this year, well, what a joke!
And you saw? First pictures (still rotten, sorry) which were not taken in my bathroom ;-) And yes, finally ending the work, which foot!
Here we are, in a month I'll turn 30!
So here is my very last unbirthday present (but not least obviously!)
And I've got so many other things to show you, the sales have driven me crazy this year !
And see, for the first time the pictures (still pretty bad, sorry) were not taken in my bathroom but in the living-room! Yeah, we've nearly finished the redecorating (at last!!)

  • sac Balenciaga modèle CITY
  • t-shirt with sequins Sandro