Thursday, February 18, 2010

How Long Does Plurisy Last

20 scenarios for the world of luxury at the horizon 2010/2015

20 possible stories for the world of luxury for horizon 2010/2015

  1. The luxury brands sell their image partnering with consumer brands ...
  2. The green-ethical-societal decline is consistently on all products and services ...
  3. The great schism between basic and luxury super deluxe (super premium), generates a real differentiation ...
  4. Luxury explodes in emerging markets through mobile phone applications ...
  5. Luxury comes to meeting basic needs, simplicity, authenticity, frugality [luxury inside, but stealth] the puritain_luxe ...
  6. The luxury remix with the codes of the street ...
  7. The luxury development on supply and purchase of the country of origin [ Deluxe version of locavore!] ...
  8. Luxury develops ultra stories targeted to the worlds of men, women, digital natives ...
  9. The luxury joins the forms of generosity Integrated ...
  10. luxury becomes 2.0 inside and techno ...
  11. luxury setting exceptional durability of its products ...
  12. The luxury development on the history of brands, its roots, a storytelling of the mark, the cultural DNA ...
  13. The luxury is democratized, with fast affordable luxury to many and sometimes low-cost ...
  14. Luxury relies chiefly on artists truly original to boost its range or reinvent ...
  15. Hybridization codes, the generation of permanent shifts, surprise, the staging, the ever-renewed amazement
  16. foremost luxury offers unique experiences to its customers
  17. Luxury focuses on two thirds of China and Russia ...
  18. The luxury development on the "all ethnic" ...
  19. Luxury relies chiefly on crafts , quality, creators, etc. ...
  20. Luxury is the only bespoke, small series [or collector series], etc ...

Source: Observatory of Luxury, Rene Duringer


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