Friday, February 19, 2010

Card Game Frustration 2 Are Wild

I'm back (at last!)

Oulala, sorry girls myself away for so long but the equation ill three weeks + a ton of work + work that end up (and I saddled morale ...) + ACUTE lazy = no posts ... So, I have lots of stuff to show you or tell you!

See you next week with posts worthy of the name (du moins, je vais essayer ;-))

Et pour vous donner une idée de quoi on va parler, voici un petit avant goût !

My goodness, no posts for more than 2 weeks... Sorry girls! But I was quite sick, got tons of work (both for my job and at home) and was a bit lazy too ;-)
But that's it, I'm back, and I've got so many things to show and tell you. A hint ?

nice weekend girls!

So see you next week!


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