Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Do I Delete My Steam Account

Sonia! (But so not H & M!)

It starts with my gift non-birthday (yes, I continue) January.

Preview: "pfff, I do not like my nails" (me there a. .. uh ... have always in fact)

And well, I maintain. except for this: (and shoes)

Big big favorite during the holidays, I told myself, not crazy, wait until the beast is closed out. Resulted, it has never been (grrrr), the coup, well, I broke down anyway! And if I tell you that the price is inversely proportional to its size, you will understand why the shopping challenge died with this beauty ... signed Sonia Rykiel .

And then I take this opportunity to show you my gamble balances: what jacket I love love! Promod , 15 €. Buttons and fur collar made me completely cracked. Cons by the quality of the vest bof bof. So I think "forward" buttons on the neck and another thick jacket better (which I did not, of course :-))

And finally, here is the manicure panther more "urban "and certainly more discreet (quoique. ..) to go to work. If you branch a tutorial, let me tell you in com 'and I do it.

Let's begin with My January's UnBirthday present.

That I spotted Sonia Rykiel bag Düring a Christmas shopping and I Decided to Wait for the dirty ... It Was never intended Reduced ! Too bad... I took it anyway !

Here is also a cardi that I love ! The fur and the buttons are just so perfect !

And finally my "urban cheetah" manicure, more discreet to go working (well, kind of...) If you're interested in a tutotial, let me know in the com'.

  • bag / bag Sonia Rykiel
  • vest / cardigan Promod


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