Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cute Rhyme For 2 Year Old Birthday Party

A Facebook group on the Ultra Luxury!

the ultra-rich are classified according to studies in several categories: UHNWI {Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals}, {HNWI High-Net-Worth Individuals} or {Very VHNWI High Net Worth Individuals}. Simplify the matter, they have enormous wealth, the rest is just statistics. They are the heart of the luxury market. However, it goes beyond the purchase of watches, luggage with logos or prestigious bespoke clothing, their specific needs covering all aspects of their daily lives: housing, conciegerie, financial advice, health, etc.. They even have a trade show that is dedicated to the ultra-rich, who make up almost a stateless people where mixing shamelessly Russians, like indie, Chinese, Italians, North Americans, French, etc. We even built villages for them to live among them. This sector has experienced unprecedented explosion, thanks to emerging countries that have generated new members. This ultra-luxury, if we disregard the moral thing is a great laboratory of life marks or the most creative forms of consumption as a way of life. It is an imaginary world where the most fantastic can unleash an unlimited credit card. The group ULUR {Ultra-Luxury Ultra-Rich} on Facebook is to concentrate much information on this sector, which will indirectly commercial variations on other social segments. As the ultimate island dream {trading fee], we explore the ultra-luxury in all its dimensions! A FB to be seen too!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Delta Sigma Theta Delaware State University


I am sad to announce the disappearance of DF ... How it

, "Who is DF?"

Bah DF what, Shopping Challenge!

It started off well between us ... I remember our first meeting, on another blog ... ( Yeah, a lot of other makes, I should have known better ...). I can see him, he smiled at me ... if so, I even have a photo:

He arrived full of promise ... You'll see with me, we live love and fresh tap water, it will be well all two ...

was true ... for 2 months. And as when it was in a diet too frustrating and hands you a bitch chocolate (sausage, biscuits, crisps choose what speaks to you the most huh) soon as you open the valve on the temptation, we can not stop.

Ben is a bit what happened with DF but not in H & M , no, no, he called me my chocolate Gucci, Chloe, Balenciaga, Rykiel, Miu Miu ... yeah. Not one to do things by halves.

And it hurts! But it's what makes it so good not?

True, there is also Zadig and Voltaire, Sandro and Maje, but hey, next to the other, it does not mean?

So in your opinion, what are these pieces of nonsense? Well, for Sonia Rykiel you already know but the others?
And no, there is still nothing to win, you take me for an "influential blogger" or what?!


And I can almost hear you : " Who the hell is D.F. ??"

That's my beloved Défi Shopping (Shopping ban / challenge)...

It lasted only for 2 months between us and then I rushed to the stores as if starving and I began binging on Gucci, Chloé, Balenciaga, Sonia Rykiel, Miu Miu ... It was wrong and that's why it was so good !

So let's see, can you guess what I've bought from there ? You already know for Sonia Rykiel purpose what about The Others?

I warn you, there's heavy!
've been warned, there're Some really nice stuff!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cubefield Last Level For School

Spring lust ...

H & M has it all for the spring right?

Seems like H & M has Read our thoughts for Their Spring Collection. Love it, do not you?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Can You Buy Valium Ovr The Counter In Canada

Briefly ... So

In brief and in no particular order:

  • I do not have many photos of styles for some time Because :

- the work is the b * WHOLESALE rdel at home and it takes a sacred organization (like, well, the mirror is in the room, the camera, it is ... uh? In this cartoon? No, in this bag ... No? M * rde, this is where p * t ** n BIP BIP device?!) But I'm still going make an effort ...

- I've grown. And it's ugly and I go into anything.

- I have no time, I have a crazy job.

- I also have a lazy crazy.

  • I still love to be red and I need you talk of my hair (because that is clear is too important)

  • I did not cut off the fringe and I always hesitate ... Here at once now is no, I cut it. But tomorrow?

  • I found my famous sequined jacket Zara

  • I was angry with my fiance Ebay but I feel better now.

  • I mowed (and you'll soon see why ... but basically, I have blown a lead ... but no regrets. No, nothing at all, I do not regret nothing. And toc. And yes, I have 3 years of mental age) Piouff, it was this long parenthesis, right? And it was anything more. You saw there was even a bit of song ? And it goes on and more! N'im-por-te-what.

  • I have not bought waders Because I have grown (for those that follow) (and yes, here the women won the men's) (my blog is a fight, girl power!) (not even afraid of ridicule, no) (and thence 5 brackets to follow you and let you do?) (brief) and so it was ugly, and any there was no way in my small country town. And anyway when there were big cities in my province, it was not like I wanted (leather black berk = = Peripatetic) (at the same time, it could help me for "swath am ... damn). And anyway I do not like buying stuff when battery is the trend. I'd rather be early ... or late.

  • speaking of trend sorry but you will not see here in Khaki. Neither officer of stuff. I have already given a few seasons ago that. And when we had a period "bottom" bin when it comes back, that file you just sick ...

But I'll take you, my thousands of readers (let's not mince words ... or numbers of things) as witnesses OF THE WORK AT HOME ARE FINISHED (currently ALL my sentences start like that ...) I make picture looks real and even that is dear to them stick (he does not know yet the poor ...) So, that leaves me time to lose weight and save. Nickel.

But I still continue to post pictures with my nazes ok?

Wow, what a crazy post!

little game: how many are there of "crazy" in this post? And no there is nothing to gain. You're crazy or anything ... I could not help ... :-)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Do I Delete My Steam Account

Sonia! (But so not H & M!)

It starts with my gift non-birthday (yes, I continue) January.

Preview: "pfff, I do not like my nails" (me there a. .. uh ... have always in fact)

And well, I maintain. except for this: (and shoes)

Big big favorite during the holidays, I told myself, not crazy, wait until the beast is closed out. Resulted, it has never been (grrrr), the coup, well, I broke down anyway! And if I tell you that the price is inversely proportional to its size, you will understand why the shopping challenge died with this beauty ... signed Sonia Rykiel .

And then I take this opportunity to show you my gamble balances: what jacket I love love! Promod , 15 €. Buttons and fur collar made me completely cracked. Cons by the quality of the vest bof bof. So I think "forward" buttons on the neck and another thick jacket better (which I did not, of course :-))

And finally, here is the manicure panther more "urban "and certainly more discreet (quoique. ..) to go to work. If you branch a tutorial, let me tell you in com 'and I do it.

Let's begin with My January's UnBirthday present.

That I spotted Sonia Rykiel bag Düring a Christmas shopping and I Decided to Wait for the dirty ... It Was never intended Reduced ! Too bad... I took it anyway !

Here is also a cardi that I love ! The fur and the buttons are just so perfect !

And finally my "urban cheetah" manicure, more discreet to go working (well, kind of...) If you're interested in a tutotial, let me know in the com'.

  • bag / bag Sonia Rykiel
  • vest / cardigan Promod