Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Olive Oil For My Hair Trimmer

What it feels good to be back here!

I read with undisguised delight all your messages, what happiness. I'm still a little loaded level job but it finally starts out slow and I am already available. And work affecting (normalement. ..) finally coming to an end ... I'll be more present here.

So I want to change a little the head of my blog, I can not see ! There will likely take several tries before I find the right one.

And I also want to slightly modify the content ... Do not panic, it will remain primarily a fashion blog but I feel that this blog looks a little more. So I wanted to post ... especially on nail polish (!) and the kitchen! And yes, in addition to being a (very modest) fashionista, I am also a foodists and nailista (it is said that thing?).

Before starting this blog I hesitated between writing a fashion blog or kitchen (nothing to do, I know ;-)). And varnishes, my collection and not stopping on growing despite having slipped me ( Eve, not type) a little in the nail art (yes I know, shame! ) -soft but still I said! - (indeed, but how could this happen to me this? I hated it before? P * t ** n, must be careful with these Beware stuff ... sometimes it is contagious ..) I told myself it would not hurt to share a little of it all with you.

Anyway, I hope you'll always go. But I assure you, la mode reste le but numéro 1 de ce blog !

Hi guys, it's so nice to come back around here ! It was such a delight to read all your comments, thanks!

I'm finally getting more time for myself and for this blog, which, by the way, I'd like to refresh a bit. Both on the inside and the outside : the design first (I can't stand it anymore!) but also the content. Don't get me wrong, it will still be a blog about fashion but I'd also like to post about food (yep!) and nails polish. I know, that's kind of strange but as I love all of that, I'd like my blog to look like a bit more like me so... hope you'll stick around :-)

And finally, I think it's high time I Introduced you to my first Balenciaga purchase.

I keep you posted in a couple of days With Some look (And That baby of course!)

See you!

Come on, I show you my very first treasure in Balenciaga!

Rendezvous in a few days for the look with this beautiful baby! Kiss the girls :-)


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