Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can I Dye My Wool Coat

- Birthday (a bit late ...)

And no, I did not forget my Birthday-No! But since Dec. 29 I was distance, I could not show you.
I Had not forgotten my UnBirthday! Purpose As I was far from home, I Could Show You.

Christmas morning, I open my gifts, no compact Guerlain ... Damn. I go home Marinnaud who say they do more ... Re damn.
cons But they offered identical mirrors bag so I take one in case ... But anyway, the pourdrier with this powder multicolor ... it starts to turn into an obsession! Pof and in a perfume to my parents I find, 30 € less! Banco.
On Christmas Day I Opened my presents, goal There Was No Guerlain powder compact in sight ... Damn. I Went To Marionnaud to buy one purpose THEY Told Me they'd stopped selling it! Damn again ... Purpose selling a mirror They Were Just Like the powder. Of course I bought it, drank I Was Still thinking about The multicolored powder, I Grew Kind of Obsessed With it!
Lucky I found it cheaper Than The € 30 retail price!

So if you've followed ...
So, yes ...

Yeah, now I have two! Tsss ...
I've Got Two of 'em now!


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