Sunday, January 10, 2010

Water Short Circuited Smoke Alarm

cut or cut it?

I still need your expert advice!

past year I push my fringe but the other day looking Harper's Island (big intellectual credibility ...), I completely crush on the actress Cameron Richardson fringe and beautiful ... So, big question ... I tell myself now that I have very long hair and a beautiful red (it should also be that I'll keep you posted!) it could be pretty ... But I was so hard to make it grow back! On the other hand, I am often forced to put a bar because they do not fall on me and figure ... With the bangs, it was more joli et plus pratique du coup...

I've been growing my fringe for a year now, but when I watched Harper's Island the other day, I totally got obsessed with Cameron Richardson's fringe : heavy, perfect. Since then on, I've been thinking about it : shall I cut it again ? On the one hand, now they're long and red, it could be really beautiful, but on the other hand it was such a pain to grow it! I need your help!

Alors, coupera ou coupera pas ??

Shall I ?


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