Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Arctic Cat 580 Horsepower

For Christmas I want ...

hard to think of Christmas without asking the eternal existential question: how will I wear? Or rather, how will I get dressed without ruin me? Because after the Christmas ... The portfolio does not necessarily follow, so we triturated brains to know where to find his place at a lower price. And there, two paths to follow: H & M (on oublie dans ce cas la collection Lanvin qui s'est trouvé être une catastrophe autant du point de vue de la confection, des prix et surtout des invendus) et ZARA.

Difficult to think of Christmas without asking perpetual and existential question : how am I going to get dressed ? Or rather, how I am going to get dressed without ruining myself ? Because, after Christmas presents... The wallet does not follow necessarily then we rack ourselves brains to know where to find our lower-price dress. And there, 2 tracks  to be followed : H&M (we forget in that case the Lanvin collection which was to be a disaster so much from the point of view of the confection, the prices and especially The unsold items) and ZARA.

At H & M on shoppe what?

What do we buy at H & M?

Zara shoppe is what?

What do we buy at ZARA?

Since we are in Christmas outfits and especially we immediately think of the gifts that will be under the tree, I want to introduce you to two books have absolutely!

Because We Are In The X'mas dresses and weekends Especially Cdn think at once of the Present Which Will Be Under The fir tree, I take advantage of it to present you've must have Two Books!

Yves Saint Laurent's book co-authored by Farid Chenoune and Florence Müller, who is, in my view, an indispensable bedside book to read and reread.

The book Yves Saint Laurent Signed "jointly by Farid Chenoune and Florence Müller Which Is, in my opinion, indispensable bedside book Year To Be read and read again to Be

Chenoune Farid, Florence Mullet
Price: 40 €

Deriving from exposure to the Decorative Arts ( The Years 1990-2000. Ideal Story Contemporary Fashion Vol. II from November 25 to May 8, 2011) this book, Olivier Saillard, turns out to be a mine of information for those who want to learn more about the background of fashion. So, there must also ..

Stemming From The exhibition in the Arts Decoratifs ( 1990 - 2000. Ideal History of the Contemporary Fashion Vol. II from November 25th till May 8th, 2011), this book, of Olivier Saillard, Shows To Be a source of Information for Those Who Want to know more On The Bottom of the fashion. Malthus, aussi indispensable ...

The finest parades from 1970 to today
Olivier Saillard
448 pages, 600 color photos
Price: 45 €


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