Monday, December 20, 2010

Sample Real Estate Agent Letters

POWERCELL regenerate my skin

some time ago that I was handed over a small miracle of nature as it actually few in the industry cosmeto: PRODIGY POWERCELL .

PRODIGY is THE anti-wrinkle cream, and I explained to Sophie I Am Unique . Not that the top of my 24 years I really need an anti-wrinkle, but one must start one day to do prevention, right? So what is the différence entre PRODIGY ( crème anti-ride phare de la marque Helena Rubinstein ) et PRODIGY POWERCELL ?

Some time agot, we handed me a small miracle of the nature as we make it little in the cosméto industry : PRODIGY POWERCELL .

Prodigy, it is THE anti-wrinkle cream, as well that explained it to me Sophie de Je Suis Unique . Not that down from my 24 years I really need an anti-wrinkle product, but it is necessary to begin a day to take preventive action, no? Then, what is the difference between PRODIGY ( key anti-wrinkle cream of Helena Rubinstein ) and PRODIGY POWERCELL ?

PRODIGY POWERCELL contains, unlike its big sister, a peculiarity: After much research, it contains a secret that is worth its weight in gold, was incorporated native cells Criste Oceanic .

Kezako? The Oceanic Criste is underwater plant that has managed to grow to survive in conditions where other algae could not survive. Having become accustomed to struggle, Over the centuries, Criste Oceanic has developed defense mechanisms unusual in secreting trace elements, minerals, iodine, vitamins, giving it exceptional resistance to weather.
It is this resistance that has been incorporated into our cream PRODIGY POWERCELL . So, it will allow cell regeneration and helps restore the barrier function of skin. It will also allow for tissue repair and an epidermal defense against free radicals. A concentrated anti-aging test at any !

On retrouve dans la gamme : une crème, une crème contour des yeux, et un sérum. 

PRODIGY POWERCELL contains, contrary to it big sister, a peculiarity : stemming from numerous researches, it contains a secret which is worth its weight of gold, that it was incorporated by native cells of Oceanic Criste. 
What is that ? Criste Océanique is a submarine plant which knew how to develop to survive in conditions where the other seaweeds would not have been able to survive. Were used to fight, in the course of the centuries, Criste Océanique knew how to develop mechanisms of outstanding defense, creating trace elements, mineral salts, iodine, vitamins, conferring it an exceptional resistance in time .

It is this resistance which was incorporated into our cream PRODIGY POWERCELL . As a result, it is going to allow a cellular regeneration and participates in the restoration of the  skin barrier function. It is also going to allow an epidermic tissular repair as well as an anti-free radical defense. One concentrated anti-ageing product with quite test !

We find in the range : a cream, a cream outline of eyes, and a serum .

What I thought : my skin has never been so soft, moisturized and resistant to the cold of winter by applying PRODIGY POWERCELL . For the next anti-aging, it is difficult to assess since in 24 years, I still have no wrinkles ... But if you read the results of tests in vivo and in vitro, after a month, " has the total wrinkled surface area of the bridle is reduced by 38.90%, 72% women have improved the frown and 80% of femmes présentent une amélioration des rides de la lèvre supérieure ". Plutôt convaincant non ? 

What do I think about it ? My skin was never so flexible, hydrated and resistant in the cold of the winter when by applying PRODIGY POWERCELL . For the anti-ageing side, it is difficult to me to estimate given with my 24 years, I still have no wrinkles... But, if we read the results of the in-vivo and in-vitro tests, after a month, " the total surface wrinkled by the zone of the crow's-foot is reduced by 38,90 %, 72 % of the women present an improvement of the wrinkle of the lion and 80% of The Women this year amélioration Of The superior lip wrinkles . Rather convincing is not it?

And that's where the debate comes up: how to get cream PRODIGY POWERCELL while the brand no longer sells on French territory? Here is the big problem I admit. But, going to take a eye on the site of Helena Rubinstein, you will see a window on a newsletter " you'll soon be able to order Helena Rubinstein products directly on this site .

deduced what? That, if the e-shop has not been put in place by December 2010 ( for the period Christmas sum) is that it will surely appear during the year 2011, which is great news for us, is not it?

And There It's the Debate's return : how do I get myself a PRODIGY POWERCELL cream while The Brand Does not sell anymore On The French Territory? There Is The big problem I admit it. But, by going to have a look we Helena Rubinstein's site you can perceive a window concerning a newsletter " you will soon have the possibility of commanding(ordering) products Helena Rubinstei n directly on this site ". 

What can we deduct from it ? That, if the e-shop was not set up for December, 2010 (f or the Christmas time ), it is because it will appear certainly during 2011, what is a very good piece of news for us, is not it ?


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