Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best Camcorder For Under 2000

Discovering the Workshop Cakes

Le week-end dernier je me suis rendue dans une adresse à absolument retenir si vous êtes des gourmandes comme moi. A la base, c'était parti d'un finding with my mother we loved buttons, but there was certainly not the right technique for them. This is where the miracle Groupon has done its work by proposing an enticing deal: course buttons to Workshop Cakes . How can you resist?

With smiles and kindness that Audrey , pastry chef, welcomed us into his shop. The program : discovery of the manufacture of buttons, good mood, appetite ( were tasted with our spoon into bowls all ) macaronnage, crusting, ... short, what makes a badge is a badge.
As these recipes Chief, I will keep secret the secrets of making buttons and urge you to go take a look at this website ( HERE ) and the blog ( HERE ) of Workshop Cakes .

PS: there are still places for special sessions on Christmas and New Year learn to make foie gras macarons !

The last weekend I went in an address to absolutely be retained if you are as gourmands as me. At first, it came from a report with my mother : we liked macaroons, but we certainly had no good technique to make them. It is there that the miracle Groupon made its work by proposing a tempting deal  : a macaroons ' lesson at the Atelier des Gâteaux. How to resist ?

It is with Audrey's smile and kindness, Chef pâtissier, welcomed us in his shop. The program : discovered some manufacturing of macaroons, cheerfulness, greed ( we were able to taste with our spoon in all the bowls ), macaronnage, crusting, in brief, what makes that a macaroon is a macaroon.

As it is about leader's recipes, I am going to keep the secret on the secrets of the manufacturing of macaroons and deeply invite you to go to make a tour on the site ( HERE ) and the blog ( HERE ) of the Atelier des Gâteaux.   

PS : there still are places for the special sessions of Christmas and the New Year Eve to learn  how to make macaroons with foie gras!!!

The Workshop Cakes
23 Rue de l'Abbe Gregoire
75006 PARIS


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