Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Business Objects Dashboard Automatic Refresh

protocol beauty hair with Petit Marseille

This is a subject I speak little, I realize, however, my hair is my pride a little to me . Never colors, natural, shimmering with the seasons. Suddenly, my shampoo, I selected for myself because, as time ( extreme heat, snow, ... ) we do not treat the same way . Similarly, they tend, over the years, changing its nature, this is due to our female cycle according to a hairdresser. So, sometimes they are big and other times, flat or curly. With all these characteristics, it is hard to arrive in stores and choice of shampoo. He would then buy a shampoo for hair type characteristic. What tearing your hair!

Some time ago, Le Petit Marseillais invited me to an evening presentation of their new range at Shea and Honey around a gourmet dinner. My curiosity prompted me to go there ( and yet I can assure you that this year I'm the type to refuse invitations to the press saw my schedule pretty busy ). As soon as the door opened, j'ai eu une révélation : il existe de nombreuses gammes !!

It is about a subject about which I speak little, I well realize it, however, my hair, it is a little  of my  own pride. Never colors, naturals, changeable reflections according to the seasons. As a result, I choose my shampooes according to my needs because, depending to the weather ( extreme heat, snow ) we do not look after them in the same way. Also, they tend, during the years, to change nature, it is due to our feminine cycle according to a hairdresser. As a result, sometimes they are voluminous, the other times, dishes, or still curled. With all these characteristics, it is hard to arrive in store and to choose its shampoo. It would then be necessary to buy a shampoo by type of capillary characteristic. Of what to tear away to you hair !! 

Some time ago, Le Petit Marseillais had invited me to the evening presentation of their new range in the shea-tree and Honey around a greedy dinner. My curiosity urged me to go there ( and nevertheless I can assure you that this year I am rather the kind of refusing invitations because of my busy schedule ). As soon as the door opened, I had a revelation : there are numerous ranges !!

You have the number of scales proposed by Le Petit Marseille? You knew you? Sophie (of) make-up, told me she knew this is dealt with care of L'Oréal, which was interested in the phenomenon of brand Le Petit Marseille and its expansion into the market shampoos (they sell more than Fructis ... ). Me, I'm still watching open-mouthed all products with a stupid look. The relationship with my protocol beauty hair? I just, I just do not worry.

I came away from this event with my small bag filled with products while Le Petit Marseille ready to test it all home for the show afterwards.
It is at this moment, I'm stressed (and not a little ) and I must follow the pace of the Master I am, and the health of my hair will feel : regraissent quickly they are flat ... In short, it's not what the total pap. So I made my small market to offer you my little protocol beautiful hair to me:

Have you seen The Number of ranges Proposed by Le Petit Marseille? Did you know it ? Sophie from (dé)maquillages, admitted to me that she knew this fact having approached it for the care L'Oréal which was interested in the phenomenon of  Le Petit Marseillais and its expansion on the shampooes' market ( they sell more than Fructis ). I am still there looking with an opened mouth all the products with a dulled air. The relationship with my beauty protocol for hair ? I will come to the point, don't worry about it.

I went out from this event with my small bag tuck of Le Petit Marseillais  products in order to test the whole afterward.
It turns out that at the moment, I am put under stress ( and not just a little bit ) and I have to follow the steady rhythm of my Master's degree and, the health of my hair feel the effects of it : they regrease fast, are flat... In brief, it is not that great. I thus made my small market to propose you my small beauty protocol of hair  :

Comme je vous l'ai dit, en ce moment, avec le stress, j'ai tendance to have hair that regraissent too fast, so I chose to use the range to the white clay and milk and jasmine, as nothing is too good for my hair, I decided to apply almost daily ( is not good to wash your hair too ) the shampoo, the conditioner and mask ( for the latter prefer to use a weekly or bi-weekly ).
Why take a shampoo and a conditioner? Because the shampoo will actually make sure your hair does not regraissent so alone, it will make them somewhat dry, which is not really the desired effect, you agree. The after-shampoo, moisturize your hair will come precisely to prevent this "dry" and then feed them.
As the mask, it is comfortable to use than a real need care, but I confess that once I got into it, not me stop applying so my hair was a softness in the future ...

But then, if you've seen the photos, you wonder what use then peel conditioner, jasmine and grapefruit, cream rinse without care shea and honey and the zest and sparkle to the fig flower of cotton? That's because my beauty ritual for me is not over ... ( which explains why I usually spend hours in the bathroom ).

The unraveling zest and bright zest can be used on wet hair: Apply generously you on your hair before covering with a warm towel for a while. Not only will your hair untangled, but, drying, they are beautiful because you've added this little touch of brightness. is not it?

As for the cream of care without rinsing , reserve the night for an application ( me is what I do at least ). After carefully brushed hair, which will remove particles that they catch during the day, such as pollution, or the pollen, you apply this treatment on the tips of your hair, which will feed deeply. No need to rinse, making this great product. the morning you find yourself with peaks well hydrated ce qui diffère l'apparition des fourches que l'on déteste.

As I told you, at the moment, with the stress, I tend to have hair which regrease too fast, I thus chose to use the range in the white clay and jasmine's milk and, as nothing is too good for my hair, I chose to apply it almost daily ( it is not good either to wash too much the hair ) : the shampoo, the conditioner and the mask (for this last one, prefer a weekly or twice-weekly use ). 

Why do I take a shampoo and a conditioner ? Because the shampoo is really going to make kind that your hair do not thus regrease, by itself, it is going to return them a little dry, what is not really the researched effect, you agree. The conditioner, is going to come to hydrate your hair to avoid exactly this "dry" effect and thus feed them.

As for the mask, it is about a user-friendliness more than a real necessary care but, I admit that, when I put myself into, impossible to stop applying it so my hair was only sweetness afterward...
But there, if you observed well photos, you wonder what are then the use of the combing out zest, with the jasmine and the grapefruit, care cream without rinsing with shea-tree and honey and the shinning zest with fig and the cotton flower? That, it is because my beauty rite is not ended ( that explains generally why I spend hours in the bathroom ) .

The combing out zest and the brilliant zest can be used on wet hair : you apply it generously to your hair before covering them with a warm towel for a while. Not only your hair will be combled out, but, after drying them, they will be magnificent because you added this small shinning touch. Not bad isn't it ?

As for the cream care without rinsing, reserve it for a night-application ( I, it is what I make at least ). Having brushed well your hair, what is going to remove the particles which they have catch during the Day, As The pollution for example, gold still, The pollen you Apply this to The Point of care your hair, What is going to feed 'em profoundly. Not Need to rinse, What make this fabulous product. In the morning, you'll find With well hydrated points, What postpone The appearance of The Forks Which We Hate.

And you, what's your secret to beautiful hair?
And you, What is your secret for beautiful hair?


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