Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Utertovesicle Junction

Nail Art ... yeah, I know ...

Some time ago, I talked to develop this blog. We speak, course, always fashion (it does not remake) but kitchen and ... nail polish! My other two "passions" if you will.

I always liked the varnish, frankly, I do nails every week (and even several times a week I admit) since I was 13 years, say . And since I discovered a few months, first with ridicule, then with interest, nail art ... That is the word. How did you come? Foolishly, simply by reading an article in Cosmo!

Warning I do not quite nail art, far from it! Type "nail art" on google image and you'll see exactly what I dislike. Not a fan of either what is done in the salon ... But some design, more modern, simply amazed me and I got into it. Now hooked, I wanted to share some of my creations with you.

I know thats the words "nail art" may sound tarty or cheap, but i 've found Some really nice designs and Lately I've Begun to really enjoy it. So here are sacrifice part of "my nails" And Then, Who sacrifice part of Other Girls are clearly "inspiring me!
From now on, this blog will-still-Focus on fashion of course (and some styles are coming up soon!) aussi purpose is food and nails (plain nail polish and nail art stuff).
Tell Me What You think about it. And of course, you CAN loathe it! To me, it's just a new way to have some fun ;-).

Here are my first attempts (since followed by many others that I will show you if you like)

one of my very first date that there is a Year:

and others this summer

And those who inspire me:

Wah nails :

Supa Nails :

Enamel Girl :

And many others!

So this was the program of The Doe 2011, Fashion Nails and Food! (coming soon!)

PS: Tell me what you think! If you do not, would find it ridiculous or ugly or cheap or everything at once, do not worry! The goal is not to be "class" nor take themselves seriously but have a little fun with her manicure! ;-)

PS 2: If you liked it, off you go see my blog roll "Nailistas", especially "Wah Nails' salon Londoner totally unique and a hit right now!


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